Monday, September 29, 2008

WTF Wall Street!?

It's been hard to wake up this month without hearing about another bank going belly-up. I heard the Dow Jones went down %7 today. So What? What does this mean for me? Well, so far, I just sit and watch, wondering what to think about this country. Ever since I have been alive, this world has been in a steady decline, September 11th was the event that opened my eyes, but it is evident now that I have no clue. I have no clue what to expect when I finally enter this "real world" I always hear about. I have no clue what to think about us possibly having a democratic president for the first time since I have became politically aware.

According to the news our economy is going to hell. Meanwhile, I am spending more and more. The truth is that while the free market is suffering, I am experiencing more financial freedom than I have ever had. Yet at this rate, I am wondering if there will even be a free market by the time I turn 18.

In an article I recently had to read for History class, it mentioned that the recession can be merely a figment of our imagination. We believe that our money will not be safe, so we save it. In reality if everybody went out and spent $100 tomorrow, we would be way better off. But instead we sit and wait for the market to correct itself, when really it is the lack of spending that got the housing market where it is, and the stock market down worse than it has been in years.

But I'm only 15, what does my opinion matter? Well I'd like to argue that, but unfortunately it really doesn't matter. These politicians will still go back and forth and continue to be counterproductive. If we all had as much "change" as these politicians claim to bring, we would be one rich country. Excuse the pun, if you caught that one =)

Monday, September 15, 2008

It has Been Long Enough. . . .

A dry well would be the best metaphor for my creativity lately. My hard drive still holds the remains of about three video projects I have started and still not managed to get my crap together on. Between school, work, procrastination, and my social ventures, I haven't managed the time to sit down for a couple of hours and work my magic.

The video I have managed to finish was basically like an assignment. I just considered it as something that needed to get done, something I wanted to get done.

I live in a developing subdivision (well, part of the time), and as houses would go up, gradually filling up the lots around us, my dad had taken pictures of the progression of a couple of them, documenting big steps along the way. The following video is a compilation of said pictures (roughly 30 of them) and my stunning motion graphics and editing skills =) I have titled it "A Home is Born" for lack of more creativity.

Photos: Richard Ivey
Video: Jackson Ivey "JXXN" =)

It wouldn't hurt you to click on those links in the right margin either. Gotta make a livin'. . .

As always:

Friday, September 5, 2008

Same Excuses

What is the excuse you always hear when people online neglect to upload videos and continue to blog? I was busy. Have had to deal with school now. Between homework and my job I hardly have time. The overused excuse of being busy, how about a real reason? Busy and tired, that's a new one. These excuses may explain why this blog post is short and may lack grammatical correctness, correct spelling, or any organization of ideas. I am laying here in bed blogging from my new iPod touch, listening to the song lollipop, which I have heard far too many times.