Monday, May 19, 2008

Only Three More Weeks!

Three weeks does not sound like a tremendously long amount of time, but when that is all that stands between me and three months of freedom, it feels like an eternity.

As the school year comes to a close, it gets more and more crazy as the days go by. The weather outside turns a little more friendly, the teachers get more tired and stressed, as do the students, and on top of that, it is the time of year that the pointless projects, mind-numbing district assessments, and every assignment you ever missed over the course of the semester all come to bite you on the @ss.

Whether that sounds negative or not, it really is the truth, and as you look ahead to summer, you pretty much are ready for school to be over, which makes the workload seem even more impossible.

The name is Jackson Ivey, but you may know me as JXXN.

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