Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Get Well Soon.

Last night I got to witness history. Despite the fact that Barack Obama wasn't who I was hoping to win the election, I still think it is incredible to see how far this country has come.

I don't agree with his political stature, or policies, but his "Yes We Can" is pretty inspiring no matter who you are. This was really the perfect time for someone like him to come along in the political game. George W. Bush has gotten us into a mess and it really is not a good time to be a republican right now. Obama's promises for the American people add more to his likability.

How do I feel about republicans vs. democrats? If I was old enough, I would be a registered republican, simply because I do not agree with the liberal mindset. If we take wealth and give it to the less fortunate, aren't we just handing out freebies? If the government is going to pay for everything, what incentive does that give me to work? I believe that the government should be there to help you out and give you the opportunity to succeed, not the excuse to fail.

But what does a 15 year old know about politics?

Despite McCain's loss, he was very graceful in his speech last night. I could tell he was genuine in his words, and I agree. We need to give OUR new president a fair shake because it will not be easy for him. So for a minute forget the party and appreciate all this man has gone through. It is about our country and we need to give the president our cooperation and support and maybe we can make a difference.

-Jackson Ivey

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